Custom Classic Lash Master Starter Kit


All the bells & whistles for beginner Lash Techs. All the essential tools and enough product for 40+ full sets.



- 10ml Classic Adhesive
- 5 Mixed Classic Trays
- Elite Tweezer
- Straight Tweezer
- 45 Degree Volume Tweezer
- Master Volume Tweezer
- Crystal Lash Palette
- Crystal Adhesive Palette
- 40 Eye Pads
- 2 Lint Free Tape
- Primer
- Debonder
- Acetone
- 40 Lash Wands
- 40 Microfibre Wands
- Lash Cleanser
- Lash Cleanser Brush
- 40 Consultation Cards
- 40 Aftercare Advice Cards
- Anti Allergy Gel
- Ultra Bonder
- Lash Mini Fan
- Lash Rinse Bottle
- Nanomister
- 10 Cleanser Samples

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